Submission Guidelines
The Editors request authors to follow the guidelines specified below:
1. All texts should be submitted online, in electronic form as an attachment to an e-mail message, sent to the following address:
2. The final decision on the content of the current volume is taken in May of the current year.
3. The standard layout of a text to the sections of: ‘Studies’, ‘Materials’, ‘Reviews’, and ‘Discussions’, is as follows: first and family names of the author, ORCID id, and their affiliation (if employed at the research institutions) or town (if unemployed, PhD student or graduate student). All should be written in sentence case, not capitalised.
4. Next, the full title of the paper should be written, followed by: an abstract (a short characteristic of the text of no more than 400–700 characters to summarise the principal points of the study). Below, the keywords (between 5 and 7 words or phrases) in Polish and English. The paper should be supplemented by a summary, no longer than one standard page of typewriting (up to 1800 characters with spaces), in Polish, with an indication to which language it is to be translated (or already in the target language). The summary cannot be limited to a mere description of the content; it should also cover the result of the analysis, the main conclusions and methodology, which should give a clear but concise description of the process of the study.
To the texts for the sections listed in point 3, a short note about the author in Polish and English (not more than 500 characters with spaces) should be added, with a complete address of the primary place of employment and the current e-mail address. These data are necessary under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education regulations. The text should be followed by a select bibliography (up to 20–25 references) with the most important and most recent literature on the subject referred to in the study (a list of source editions should be followed by the literature on the subject). Please, do not separate the individual items with full stops. In the case of articles in journals and collective works, the page range should be included (see example in the point 10 below).
5. Quotations should be written in quotation marks and not italicised. In the case of quotations from unpublished sources or source annexes, the authors should follow: for medieval and – if need be – early modern texts, Adam Wolff’s instruction for publishing historical studies (St. Źródł., 1, 1957, pp. 155–181). Standard guidelines for the text of the period in question should be followed for nineteenth- and twentieth-century sources. The authors could write their own guidelines and instruction (which is also possible for older source texts).
6. The review’s heading has to include, in this order: first and family names (in full form) of the author of the reviewed publication, its title and subtitle (as in the title page); in the case of many authors: the title, first and family names of the editor(s); next – in the case of multivolume publication – the number of volumes or parts (in arabic numerals), and then: the publisher, place and year of the publication, and the number of numbered pages, unnumbered leaves, and of illustrations. In relevant cases, the title and volume number of the publication series should be given, separated by a comma, before the publishers’ name. In reviews, we capitalise such terms as the Author, Publisher, and Editor, when they refer to the author, publisher or editor of the reviewed text. The first and family names of the author of the review article should be placed under the article, aligned to the right. In the case of a review article, their authors should also provide their ORCID id. Review articles and discussions should have their titles, and the full bibliographic references should be given in the first footnote.
Examples of bibliographic references of reviewed texts:
Zenon Piech, Monety, pieczęcie i herby w systemie symboli władzy Jagiellonów, Wydawnictwo DiG, Warszawa 2003, pp. 365, 1 unnumbered, 83 illustrations;
Kolektarz wawelski sprzed 1526 roku świadek liturgii Kościoła krakowskiego w XV, XVI i XVII wieku, ed. X. Szymon Fedorowicz, Monumenta Sacra Polonorum, vol. 3, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków 2007, pp. 478, 24 illustrations.
7. We use commonly accepted abbreviations, leaving them unexplained (such as: e.g., i.a., etc., ca.), and, in general: c. (century) – others – as little as possible, when necessary. The names of the months we write as numbers in Roman numerals, when the full date is given (without separating full stops), in other cases, we write the name of the month (15 VII 1410; 16 July; in July 1410).
8. Texts should not be formatted, e.g. by using different font types, spaced-out (instead, bold should be used). Only consecutive paragraphs need to be indicated, as well as extended quotations, which should be broken off by an increased space from the preceding and following lines of typescript. They should not be enclosed within quotation marks.
9. Notes should be numbered consecutively and have the form of footnotes at the bottom of the page. A note reference number should precede any punctuation (except when after the abbreviation with a full stop, which it should follow), or before commas in the middle of a sentence (except when the footnote has to be inserted between words which are not separated with a comma). All notes should end with full stops. Footnotes in reviews and review articles should be used according to the same guidelines as other scholarly articles. But we may insert page numbers of the reviewed text in round brackets in the main text.
10. In footnotes, authors should use abbreviations according to the list included below. Titles of books and articles should be italicised; the titles of periodicals are written in roman letters (not italicised) in quotation marks (except for abbreviated titles which are written without quotation marks); titles of publication series – in roman letters without quotation marks. The title of an article published in collectively authored books should be separated with a comma, followed by – in: (without brackets). Volumes, numbers of the periodical issue, and their parts and other publications should be given in arabic numerals, and their authors’ names – in normal type, not spaced-out. In the case of the authors referred to in the text, their first name should be given in full only for the first occurrence, in the rest of cases, we use only an initial of their first name and the family name; in footnotes – always an initial of the first name; this also applies to shortened reference notes.
11. At first mention in the notes, each referred work should be provided with a full bibliographic description, while further mentions should be indicated by the author’s initial of their first name, family name and the shortened title without suspension points, for example:
First references:
W. Abraham, Organizacja Kościoła w Polsce do połowy wieku XII, Poznań 1962, pp. 98–103; B. Kürbisówna, Żywot bł. Salomei jako źródło historyczne, in: Studia historica. W 35-lecie pracy naukowej Henryka Łowmiańskiego, Warszawa 1958, pp. 145–154,
Later references:
W. Abraham, Organizacja Kościoła, pp. 117–120;
B. Kürbisówna, Żywot bł. Salomei, p. 150.
Note: We do not use: op. cit. When a note refers to the same work as the previous note, we use ibidem. When different works by the same author are cited in the same or consecutive footnotes, we use idem, eadem, eidem, eaedem.
Examples of references to an article published in periodicals:
A. Gieysztor, Społeczeństwo i państwo pierwszych Piastów wobec chrystianizacji, “Nasza Przeszłość”, 69, 1988, pp. 11–22.
A. Gieysztor, Syntezy, kompendia i pomoce historiografii polskiej w ostatnim półwieczu, Kwart. Hist., 94, 1987, no. 1, pp. 243–253.
An example of a reference to an article in a collection of essays:
G. Labuda, Księżna Dobrawa i książę Mieszko jako rodzice chrzestni Polski piastowskiej, in: Scriptura custos memoriae. Prace historyczne, ed. D. Zydorek, Poznań 2001, pp. 3–4.
An example of a reference to a source edition:
Miracula venerabilis patris Prandotae episcopi Cracoviensis, ed. W. Kętrzyński, in: MPH, vol. 4, Lwów 1884, no. 8, pp. 452–453.
An example of a reference to a book published in a series:
Rejestry gospód w Krakowie z lat 1632 i 1649, ed. K. Follprecht, Fontes Cracovienses, vol. 11, Kraków 2005.
An example of an entry published in the PSB [Polish Biographical Dictionary]:
W. Dworzaczek, R. Świętochowski, Okolski Szymon, in: PSB, vol. 23, Wrocław 1978, pp. 679–691.
In the same way, we refer to articles in encyclopaedias, lexicons etc.
When referring to two successive pages, the reference should read: p. 1–2 (not p. 1 ff.).
11. When referring to source editions, we use the abbreviations listed at the end of each volume of Studia Źródłoznawcze. In cases when there is no abbreviation of the edition referred to, and the reference is made repeatedly, we make an abbreviation at the first reference, giving it in square brackets after the word: “hereinafter”, for example: Korespondencja żupnika krakowskiego Mikołaja Serafina z lat 1437–1459, ed. Bukowski, T. Płóciennik, A. Skolimowska, Kraków 2006 [hereinafter: Korespondencja żupnika], no. 27.
12. When referring to texts accessible on the Internet, we write as follows:
H. Rutkowski, Mapy Karola Perthéesa, <> [access: 28.03.2014]
13. We accept only original texts that present new results of independent research. Texts submitted to Studia Źródłoznawcze must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in whole or in part. Any closely related works submitted for consideration in other publications (e.g. in a shortened version, in a translation to another language, or on the Internet) should be noted and the author has to provide a copy for evaluation by the Editorial Board.
List of abbreviations
Archives and archival collections
AA – Archiwum Archidiecezjalne / Archdiocesan Archives
AD – Archiwum Diecezjalne / Diocesan Archives [e.g.: AD Płock]
AGAD – Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych / The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
AN – Archiwum Narodowe / The National Archives in Kraków
AP – Archiwum Państwowe / State Archives [e.g.: AP Poznań]
MK – Metryka Koronna w AGAD / The Crown Register in AGAD
ML – Metryka Litewska / The Lithuanian Metrica
BCzart. – Biblioteka Czartoryskich / The Princes Czartoryski Library in Kraków
BJ – Biblioteka Jagiellońska / The Jagiellonian Library in Kraków
BKórn. – Biblioteka PAN w Kórniku / The Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences
BN – Biblioteka Narodowa / The National Library (of Poland) inWarsaw
BOss. – Biblioteka Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich / Ossoliński National Institute Library in Wrocław
BPAU/PAN – Biblioteka Naukowa Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności i Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie / The Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków
Most important source editions
AGZ – Akta grodzkie i ziemskie / Municipal and Land Registers
Bull. Pol. – Bullarium Poloniae
CDMas. – Codex diplomaticus et commemorationum Masoviae generalis
CDSil. – Codex diplomaticus Silesiae
CDUJ – Codex diplomaticus Universitatis studii generalis Cracoviensis
C. epist. XV – Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti
DKuj. Maz. – Dokumenty kujawskie i mazowieckie przeważnie z XIII wieku / Documents from Kujavia and Mazovia, mainly from the thirteenth century
KDKK – Kodeks dyplomatyczny katedry krakowskiej św. Wacława / Diplomatic Codex of St Wenceslaus’ Cathedral Church in Kraków
KDm.K – Kodeks dyplomatyczny miasta Krakowa / Diplomatic Codex of the City of Kraków
KDMaz. – Kodeks dyplomatyczny Księstwa Mazowieckiego / Diplomatic Codex of the Duchy of Mazovia
KDMłp. – Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski / Diplomatic Codex of Lesser Poland
KDPol. – Kodeks dyplomatyczny Polski / Diplomatic Codex of Poland
KDŚl. – Kodeks dyplomatyczny Śląska / Diplomatic Codex of Silesia
KDWlkp. – Kodeks dyplomatyczny Wielkopolski / Diplomatic Codex of Greater Poland
MGH – Monumenta Germaniae Historica
MGH SS – Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores
Migne PL – J.P. Migne, Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Latina
MPH – Monumenta Poloniae Historica
MPH s.n. – Monumenta Poloniae Historica, series nova
MPV – Monumenta Poloniae Vaticana
MRPS – Matricularum Regni Poloniae summaria
NKDMaz. – Nowy kodeks dyplomatyczny Mazowsza / New Diplomatic Codex of Mazovia
Schl. UB – Schlesisches Urkundenbuch
UdR. Spisy – Urzędnicy dawnej Rzeczypospolitej XII–XVIII wieku. Spisy / Officials in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, twelfth to eighteenth century. Registers
VL – Volumina legum
ZDMłp. – Zbiór dokumentów małopolskich / Collection of Documents from Lesser Poland
Important publication series and continuing publications
AKH – Archiwum Komisji Historycznej / Archives of the Commission on History
AKP – Archiwum Komisji Prawniczej / Archives of the Commission on Law
PSB – Polski słownik biograficzny / Polish Biographical Dictionary
RAU whf – Rozprawy (Polskiej) Akademii Umiejętności. Wydział Historyczno-Filozoficzny / Dissertations of the (Polish) Academy of Learning. Faculty of Philosophy and History
SPPP – Starodawne prawa polskiego pomniki / Monuments of Polish Ancient Law
Important historical periodicals
ABMK – Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne / Church Archives, Libraries, and Museums
Czas. Pr. Hist. – Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne / Journal of Law and History
Kwart. Hist. – Kwartalnik Historyczny / Historical Quarterly
Kwart. HKM – Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej / Quarterly of the History of Material Culture
Mies. Herald. – Miesięcznik Heraldyczny / Heraldic Monthly
Przegl. Hist. – Przegląd Historyczny / Historical Review
Przegl. Hum. – Przegląd Humanistyczny / Humanistic Review
Rocz. Herald. – Rocznik Towarzystwa Heraldycznego we Lwowie / Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Heraldycznego / Yearbook of the Polish Heraldry Society in Lviv / Polish Heraldry Society Yearbook
Rocz. Hist. – Roczniki Historyczne / Historical Annals
Rocz. Hum. – Roczniki Humanistyczne / Annals of Arts
Sobótka – Śląski Kwartalnik Historyczny Sobótka / Silesian Historical Quarterly Sobótka
St. Hist. – Studia Historyczne / Historical Studies
St. Źrodł. – Studia Źródłoznawcze. Commentationes / Commentationes. Studies in the Criticism of Historical Sources
Zap. Hist. – Zapiski Historyczne / Historical Records
Zap. TNT – Zapiski Towarzystwa Naukowego w Toruniu / Records of the Scientific Society in Toruń
Other abbreviations
cap. – capitulum
f. – folio
fasc. – fasciculum
il. – ilustracja / illustration
k. – karta / folio
kol. – kolumna / column
ks. – księga / book
lib. – liber
mf. – mikrofilm / microfilm
ms – manuscriptum
mszp. – maszynopis / typescript
nlb. – nieliczbowane / unpaged
nr – numer / number
nr kat. – numer katalogowy / catalogue number
or. – oryginał / original
p. – pagina
przyp. – przypis / footnote (endnote)
r – recto
red. – redaktor, redakcja / editor(s)
rkps – rękopis / manuscript
repr. – reprint
s. – strona / page
sygn. – sygnatura / catalogue number
szp. – szpalta / column
v – verso
vol. – volumen
w. – wers (wiersz)/wiek / verse(line)/century
wyd. – wydanie, wydawca / edition, publisher
z. – zeszyt / issue, no.