Principles of Peer Review
The peer review process is carried out in accordance with the rules presented in the publication Dobre praktyki w procedurach recenzyjnych w nauce [Good Practices in Reviewing Procedures in Science] published in Warsaw in 2011.
- By submitting their text, the authors consent to the review process.
- Articles are formally assessed by the Editorial Board within 30 days of being received. Approved texts are sent for review. They are assessed by two external reviewers from the research field consistent with the subject of the study, who are not members of the Journal’s Editorial Board.
- The reviewers are selected by the Journal’s Editorial Board.
- Reviews are in writing. The review template is available on the Journal’s website .
- Articles are not sent to reviewers from the author’s affiliate institution.
- The Journal uses double-blind review: reviewer doesn’t know the identity of the author, and vice-versa.
- The author is always informed about the results of the review.
- Reviewers evaluate the text within 60 days.
- The review containing critical comments and suggestions is sent by the Editor-in-Chief or another member of the Editorial Board designated by him to the author who is obliged to make the required corrections.
- The author has 30 days to make corrections and submit the final text to the Editors.
- After corrections, if their scope was significant, the article may be returned to the reviewer for approval.
- The final decision to publish an article is made by the Editors-in-Chief in consultation with the other members of the Editorial Board.
- A polemic between the author and the reviewer is allowed (in the case of critical comments of the reviewer regarding substantive issues). If the review contains criticism and suggestions for changes, the author shall make the required corrections or shall comment on them if he does not agree with their validity. The Editors reserve the right to suggest corrections based on their own or the reviewers' opinions. The final decision on publication depends on acceptance of these corrections by the author.
- In exceptional cases, where the author does not accept reviewers’ ratings, the article might be withdrawn on its author’s request.
- After accepting an article for publication, the text undergoes substantive editing, language editing and proofreading.
The list of reviewers cooperating with the editorial office is published on the Journal’s website.